Top 10 Postpartum Must Haves

Top 10 Postpartum Must Haves

  1. Hello Mommies!

You might feel it was a very long road to get here - and it is still not the end. Whether you had a vaginal or a Cesarian delivery, your body took a hit! We’ve collected some essentials for those mommies who has a vaginal delivery needs:

      1. PADS (or Pull-up Style Adult „Diapers“):

        Seriously, stock up on more than you think you’ll need. You can expect to have bleeding 🩸  for up to 4️⃣-6️⃣ weeks postpartum. This bleeding starts out like a heavy period, and slowly becomes lighter. For the first 3-4 days you can expect to need heavy duty protection. Lots of women use depends, or pull-up style pads to avoid leaks. They aren’t glamorous, but they sure are handy! After that, I always recommend on stocking up on varying sizes and absorbencies of pads (and liners. Tampons and menstrual cups are not safe for at least the first 6 weeks postpartum, so get used to the extra bulk!
        📦: Find our Disposable Underwear 🩲 (Pull-up Style Adult „Diapers“) in our Hospital Box.

      2. PERI BOTTLE:

        This is a little cleansing bottle with a squirt top that they provide you in hospital 🏥 . This is what you will be using to cleanse your perineum (bottom) after baby since use of soap 🧼 , or wiping with toilet paper 🧻  is discouraged. They are unbelievably useful. We recommend having one to keep in each bathroom, filling it with warm water, and giving yourself a good rinse after using the toilet 🚽 . When you’re sore down there, a good rinse and patting dry is the best way to prevent infection.
        📦: Those peri bottles you get from the hospital are straight headed, which can be a little challenging and messy during rinsing. Our bottles are designed with foldable heads for the easier cleansing. You can find them in our Hospital Box

      3. TUCKS PADS:

        These are medicated cooling pads that are great for soothing a sore bottom post-delivery, AND for the nearly inevitable hemorrhoids that come with a vaginal delivery. These can be used a couple ways… laid out on pads or folded and half and tucked into the folds of your bottom so they are directly in contact with the sore spot.
         This is great to add to our Hospital Box, place it between the instant ice pad and the perineal healing foam



        The Best
        seller Perineal Recovery Spray is definitely Earth Mama’s Recovery Spray. This is a natural touch-free herbal mist for pregnancy and postpartum use with cooling cucumber, organic witch hazel and organic herbs traditionally used for postpartum relief. Spray it on the top of your pads and enjoy the cooling relief. Get it here.📦: Find Earth Mama’s Recovery Spray in our Hospital Box. You can also find first sprays that contain a numbing agent to help with any soreness from tears or episiotomies. You’ll find these  sprays in the first aid ⛑ 🩹  section of most pharmacies🩺.

      5. NIPPLE CREAM:

        If you’re breastfeeding 🤱🏼 , we highly recommend picking up a prescription for All Purpose Nipple Ointment (APNO) from the pharmacy, and a tube of Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream. They will be your best friend. 📦: Find our Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream (plus a lot of Breastfeeding Essentials and Breast Care Kit) in our Nursing Mommy Kit Box

      6. PAINKILLERS 💊 :

        Have them and TAKE them. So often moms push their needs to the side and don’t listen to their bodies after having a baby. If you didn’t know, contractions don’t stop 🛑 after baby 👶🏻  arrives. It’s like a sick joke Mother Nature plays on you. The cramps can be awful (especially if it’s not your first baby), as your uterus begins to shed its lining and shrink down.

      7. SITZ BATH:

        Submerging your bottom in warm water can be super soothing and beneficial for healing. We recommend taking a sitz bath for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. This can help to reduce pain, chances of infection, and improve healing time!
        📦: We put Sitz Bath Salt in our Postpartum Boxes.


        DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT forget the stool softener. Women often fear the first (or first 10) bowel movements 💩 after having a vaginal delivery. One way to ensure it won’t be as traumatic as you envisioned is to have stool softeners on hand. Dulcolax helps to increase the amount of water in your stool, making it easier to pass. I would avoid laxatives, but stool softeners are a great choice postpartum. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist to help you pick out the right one.
        📦: Find our DulcoSoft Stool Softener in our Postpartum Box.

      9. NURSING PADS:

        Whether you’re breastfeeding 🤱🏼  or not, you can expect your milk to come in. For many women, they experience leaking from their breasts (before giving birth as well) that can get uncomfortable and messy. Nursing pads come in either a disposable variety or in washable option.  📦: Find them in our Postpartum and Nursing Mommy Kit Boxes) and reusable cloth pads. 📦: Find them in our Third Trimester box).

      10. PADSICLES (Instant Cooling Maxi Pads):

        They are the ultimate pain relief go to for your post baby lady parts! You can make one DIY style, but you need to make them a few weeks before you are due, throw them into the hospital freezer (if they have) and prepare some for home as well. 📦: You don’t need to deal with everything yourself! We put INSTANT Ice Pads in our Hospital box- you just need to break them and enjoy them -  they will help bring down the swelling and provide cool relief, making it easier to focus on your little one! They will also make sitting a LOT easier!

      Check out our Mommy Boxes for more essentials! ♥️ 

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      Always here,
      OFM Group

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